Contact us

If you would like to find out more about ARC-XR and how to get involved please contact:

  • College of Arts & Humanities: Pauline Mackay, Senior Lecturer in Robert Burns Studies (Scottish Literature) 
  • College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences: Craig Daly, Professor of Physiology (School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health)
  • College of Science and Engineering: Julie Williamson, Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction (Computing Science)
  • College of Social Sciences: Alena Kostyk, Senior Lecturer (Management)  
  • Postgraduate research: Laura Bajorunaite, PhD researcher (School of Computing Science)

For general enquiries:


ARC XR Strategy Board Members

The ARC XR Strategy Board was established in 2019 to provide strategic leadership to the XR community across Colleges and to build dialogue, interest and conversations ahead of the development of the ARC visualization space. The board identifies projects which might utilize the space, while developing a vision for the promotion of Glasgow’s leadership in the area.

Andrew Tobin, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology (Institute of Molecular Cell & Systems Biology), Director of the Advanced Research Centre (Research & Innovation Services)  

Azadeh Emadi, Lecturer in Screen Production (Theatre, Film & Television Studies)  

Christopher Carman, Professor (Politics)  

Craig Daly, Senior Lecturer (Life Sciences Human Life Sciences)  

David Simmons, Lecturer (Psychology)  

Derek Brown, Senior Lecturer (Philosophy)  

Fiona Macpherson, Professor of Philosophy (Philosophy)  

Frank Pollick, Professor (Psychology), Associate (Institute of Health & Wellbeing)  

Gareth Beale, Lecturer in Digital Archaeology (Archaeology)  

Giovanna Vitelli, Head of Collections and Curatorial

Gordon Meiklejohn, Business Development Manager (Research & Innovation Services)  

Harry Wilson, Research Associate (Theatre, Film & Television Studies), Affiliate (Theatre Studies) (School of Culture & Creative Arts)  

Iain Findlay-Walsh, University Lecturer (Music)  

J Adam Carter, Reader in Epistemology (Philosophy)  

Jennifer Corns, Lecturer in Philosophy (Philosophy)  

Johanna Green, Lecturer (Information Studies)  

John Harris, Head of Operations – Advanced Research Centre (ARC)

Julie Williamson, Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction (Computing Science)  

Leo Konstantelos, Lecturer in Digital Cultural Heritage (Information Studies)  

Lorna Hughes, Professor in Digital Humanities (Information Studies)  

Maria Economou, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage (Information Studies)  

Mark McGill, Lecturer (School of Computing Science)

Matthew Barr, Lecturer - Graduate Level Apprenticeship Programme (Computing Science)  

Murray Pittock, Pro-Vice Principal - Special Projects (Office of the Vice Principals), Bradley Chair of English Literature (English Literature)  

Neil McDonnell, Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Research Fellowship in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (Philosophy)  

Paul Rea, Professor of Digital and Anatomical Education (Life Sciences Human Life Sciences)  

Pauline Mackay, Lecturer in Robert Burns Studies (Scottish Literature)  

Rachel Opitz, Senior Lecturer in Spatial Archaeometry (Archaeology)  

Robert Cowan, Lecturer (Philosophy)  

Sarune Savickaite, Tutor & PhD researcher (School of Psychology)  

Sharon De Sykes, Senior Project Manager (Construction)

Stacy Marsella, Professor (Interdisciplinary Study of Social Interactions)  

Stephen Brewster, Professor of Human-Computer Interactions (Computing Science), Associate (Institute of Health & Wellbeing)