On and around World Heart Day on the 29th September 2019, there was a hard-hitting campaign surrounding Women's Heart Health and BHF Scotland released its report entitled "Bias and Biology". The key message is that there is a lack of awareness among many women that they are at risk of heart disease and cardiac events. Coronary heart disease kills nearly 3 times as many women as breast cancer in Scotland.

Professor Colin Berry urged a joint effort to tackle these inequalities in care; "At every stage - from the moment they experience symptoms through to their rehabilitation - women with heart disease can face disadvantages. This has to change. It is incumbent on us all to work together to address these issues to help save and improve lives". Professor Berry participated in various media events, including tv interviews, panel discussions and newspaper articles in order to help raise awareness of these issues. 

Recent research that Professor Berry has been involved in includes a paper, with lead author Dr Tom Ford; "Sex differences in procedural and clinical outcomes following rotational atherectomy". Rotational atherectomy is high-speed diamond-tipped cutting of coronary plaque. Female gender was independently associated with adverse procedural outcomes following   rotational atherectomy (procedural adverse events 80% more likely to occur in females) and survival was similar between males and females after adjustment for baseline differences.

Image of atherectomy paper figure



First published: 29 September 2019

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