We are delighted to announce that the BHF CoRE put in a successful application to the Chancellor’s Fund in the latest autumn 2020 call. Our thanks go to Professor Christian Delles for outlining a very highly rated application for funds to support our unique Clinical Observership Programme.

The Chancellor’s Fund award will allow us to further develop and to support the transition to a remote programme, in light of current Covid19 restrictions on students and post-docs undertaking practical observations in clinical settings. In particular the Chancellor’s Fund award will support;

1. The development of a book/‘primer’ on the programme.
2. A guest lecture series on translational research, bridging the gap between basic and clinical research.
3. The hosting of a dedicated translational research day with Observers presenting their clinical projects.

Once again, we congratulate Prof Delles on his successful application!

For further information please contact Centre Manager - Mrs Karen Trofimova - karen.trofimova@glasgow.ac.uk 

First published: 11 November 2020

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