We extend our warm congratulations to successful award recipients; RCB Clinical Research Fellow Dr Fraser Graham and PhD student Yola Jones! 

portrait of fraser graham

Fraser won the prize for the top scoring abstract in the Heart Failure category at the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Annual Conference 2020, for his abstract entitled "HAEMOGLOBIN AND SERUM MARKERS OF IRON DEFICIENCY IN PEOPLE WITH OR AT INCREASED RISK OF HEART FAILURE"


By analysing de-identified data from 181,368 people from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with, or at increased risk of heart failure, we concluded that a low haemoglobin is common. Mortality is inversely related to haemoglobin with a nadir of risk when values are at least 1g/dL above the WHO definition of anaemia. Many patients with anaemia are not investigated for ID and therefore are less likely to receive appropriate diagnostic investigations and the potential benefits of iron therapy.

portrait of yola jones

Congratulations to RCB PhD student Yola Jones for winning the Best Paper Award in Bioengineering at BIBE 2020, alongside co-authors Fani Deligianni and Jeff Dalton. The winning paper is entitled "Improving ECG Classification Interpretability using Saliency Maps" and was presented at the 20th International Conference on BioInformatics & BioEngineering (BIBE). 

For further information, please contact the Award Winners -> Dr Fraser Graham: Fraser.Graham@glasgow.ac.uk and Yola Jones -> 2409217J@student.gla.ac.uk 

First published: 17 November 2020

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