Part of a research project, the conference will explore and compare paths of political-economic development in Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, and countries that were once part of the Soviet Union.

Event: Political-Economic Development Conference 2008
'What Kinds of Capitalism after Transition?'
The Business School at the University of the West of Scotland, in conjunction with CRCEES, is organising a conference on the above theme.

Friday and Saturday, 29 February and 1 March 2008

This is part of a research project, as outlined on the accompanying page, comparing paths of political-economic development in Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, and countries that were once part of the Soviet Union.

Call for papers
Contributions are invited on a range of thematic areas (for more details refer to the pdf version of the call for papers).
Submission deadline

The deadline for submissions will be 7 January 2008. A final decision on the programme will be delivered within about two weeks after that date. We hope to be able to publish, in some form, contributions to the conference. We are also hoping to be able to provide some financial support, particularly for those coming from further afield.

This will be dependent on providing a written version of the paper in advance of the conference which can be a basis for subsequent publication.

Paper submission
Abstracts, papers, and/or session proposals should be submitted to Martin Myant as attached files (doc or pdf format) to the following e-mail address:

Conference registration form in MS Word (120KB), or in PDF format (112KB)
The final programme for the event is now available and conference registration will take place in the University of the West of Scotland, at the Paisley Campus (campus map).

To attend the events please complete the registration form in MS Word document (120KB), or in PDF format (111KB).

Speakers from Central and Eastern Europe, the UK, Western Europe and the USA will cover themes of varieties of capitalism and comparative advantages, the economic role of the state, leading sectors, dependent development, the politics of transnational production, the interest representation, and the links between business and politics.
Speakers will include:

•    Mark Knell
•    Martin Myant
•    Pieter Vanhuysse
•    Roger Schoenman
•    Terry Cox
•    Jane Hardy
•    Umut Korkut
•    A. Jan Kutylowski
•    Stuart Shields
•    Zoltán Pogátsa
•    Kateřina Svíčková
•    Alexandra Janovskaia
•    Bettina Wagner
•    Arjan Vliegenthart
•    Marcel Tomášek
•    Jan Drahokoupil

For more details contact:

Jean Finn, Conference Administrator
Tel: +44 141 848 3933
Fax: +44 141 848 3618
Business School
University of the West of Scotland
Additional information about the event can be found by visiting:

29 February and 1 March 2008
D135/D137, Paisley Campus, University of the West of Scotland

First published: 13 January 2012