CRCEES will be supporting the 'Coloured Revolutions' conference in Spring of 2008. The conference will focus on both country-specific and cross-national patterns of change that have affected Georgia, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan and other countries of the region, but without neglecting responses in Russia, Belarus and other countries, or the role of external agency (particularly the United States).

Supported by

Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES),
The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics,
The British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES)

Friday and Saturday 2nd and 3rd May, 2008
Room T315, Adam Smith Building,
University of Glasgow

A contemporary political phenomenon has been the occurrence in post-Soviet space of democratic 'revolutions', inspired by Western democratic models and supported, to varying degrees, by Western funded non-governmental organizations. Unlike traditional revolutions, these have the distinctive character of being supported by, if not led and financed from, external sources.

This conference will take place in 2 parts: the first in Cambridge at the end of April with the support of CEELBAS, and the second in Glasgow on the Friday and Saturday that follow, at the start of May, supported by CRCEES.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the phenomenon of 'coloured revolutions': their origin, processes and to evaluate their success and failure from a political and sociological point of view.

A provisional programme and a poster for the event are now available.
For more information about this event, please contact the Conference organisers - Professor Stephen White (Department of Politics, University of Glasgow) or Dr David Lane (University of Cambridge)

2-3 May, 2008
Room T315, Adam Smith Building, University of Glasgow.

First published: 13 January 2012