The Summer School is co-organised event between CRCEES and its international partner the Region' Scientific Research Centre, Ul'ianovsk State University and the Centre for Independent Social Science Research, St. Petersburg. The summer school programme will incorporate a comparative, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to addressing the theme: 'Aspects of Identity & Culture'. more > Event: Summer school - St Petersburg '08
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Postgraduate Research Methodology Summer School:
Aspects of Identity & Culture

7-20 July, 2008
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES), UK
Region' Scientific Research Centre, Ul'ianovsk State University
Centre for Independent Social Science Research, St. Petersburg
The St. Petersburg Summer School is open to all research and taught postgraduate students in all CRCEES partner institutions. CRCEES will fund travel, accommodation and most other costs, although students will be expected to contribute to the cost of excursions and to pay for some of their own meals whilst in Russia. A limited number of funded places are available for students from Russian, Central and East European Universities.
Postgraduate students from other UK universities are also welcome to apply to attend the Summer School but will have to find their own sources of funding.
Please note the language of instruction will be English.
All postgraduate students wishing to participate in the St. Petersburg Summer School should send their CV and a 500-word outline of their research interests to: Rebecca Kay ( before Friday 11th January 2008.
Places on the summer school are limited so apply now to avoid disappointment. For further details of the St. Petersburg Summer School, including costs, please contact:
Professor Rebecca Kay
Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies
Department of Central and East European Studies
University of Glasgow
Hetherington Building, Bute Gardens
Glasgow, G12 8RZ, UK.
Download a poster and provisional outline for Summer School'08 in
PDF format (538KB).
For more details, visit: CRCEES Summer Schools

7-20 July, 2008
Centre for Independent Social Science Research, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

First published: 13 January 2012