26 February at 5.30pm, St Andrews Building; Room: 433 A&B

The CEES Society at the University of Glasgow is happy to invite you to the 'Panel Discussion On Ukraine' on Wednesday the 26th of February at 5:30pm, St Andrews Building; Room: 433 A&B

So far we have four powerfully engaging speakers for your academic stimulation:

- Dr Ammon Cheskin - Lecturer in Nationalism and Identity for Central and East European Studies, will chair the panel discussion and give a short overview of the political and social situation in Ukraine.

- Yelizaveta Rekhtman - IMRCEES student specialising on Ukrainian politics will participate in the discussion and provide a special attention to Ukrainian national identity and its place in current political protests.

- Mrs Iryna Terlecky, the 1st Vice President of AUGB (the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain) will provide special attention to the role of Ukrainian diaspora in the current protests.

- Dr Tatyana Klymenko, research associate at the Centre for Virus Research and also an active participant in the London automaidans, will share with us the impressions she got from the protests while visiting Ukraine in December, January and February (will join us via Skype call from London).

In addition, stimulation for the mind will be supplemented by stimulation for the taste buds with a limited supply of Ukrainian Salo!  All of this for £1 for members - £2 for non-members, but remember membership itself is a bargain at only £2!


We hope to see you all there!!

First published: 24 February 2014