CEERES is delivered by a consortium of CRCEES partner universities across Europe and Eurasia. It is funded by the European Union under the Eramus+ (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree) programme. CEERES is a 2-year multiple degree programme structured around 3 predefined mobility periods at 3 different CRCEES Partner Universities across Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. Also included is a fourth flexible mobility period during which students will undertake independent study. This multiple degree comprises three separate awards from the University of Tartu and the University of Glasgow plus one of the other degree-awarding partners according to the study pathway undertaken.

The EMJMD CEERES 3 day programme facilitated the improvement of students professional and employability skills, to ensure their preparation for entry into the working environment and the development of attributes needed to excel in their careers. Students were encouraged to explore, develop and apply concepts via three key themes:

• Understanding & Articulating Your Strengths – developing external awareness, presentation skills, understanding your personal self and articulating your strengths to future employers.
• Working with People & Teams – working with and leading teams, team conflict, effective communication and assertiveness skills.
• Improving Productivity – maps of reality, excelling in the workplace and understanding effective workplace behaviours.

The programme featured various ways of teaching and learning:
• Student facilitation on the concepts and themes discussed;
• Team challenges and role play of real-life situations/case studies followed by team feedback and brainstorming;
• Student presentation;
• Practical problem solving exercises;
• Self-assessment activities and personalised feedback.

The summer school’s final day was devoted to Careers and Alumni. Our cohort had a chance to talk to former CEERES students and professionals of the field Steve Swerdlov (Senior Researcher, Central Asia, Human Rights Watch) and Bruce Pannier (Radio Free Europe journalist) discussing their professional engagement with Eurasia.


       Bruce Pannier      


     Steve Swerdlov

First published: 14 October 2019