Professor Fiona Macpherson and the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience, together with researchers from the Universities of Toronto, Harvard, MIT and London, have won a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Development grant worth $199,400 (Canadian Dollars) for the Network for Sensory Research. The Network is a philosophy-led, interdisciplinary, international network of researchers who will study how the brain/mind integrates information from the senses.


The network links five major interdisciplinary research centres in philosophy of perception:

  • the Network Centre for Sensory Research at the Mohan Matthen (University of Toronto)
  • Alex Byrne (MIT)
  • Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow)
  • Barry Smith (Birkbeck/Institute for Philosophy-London)

The project

We are an international philosophy-led network conducting interdisciplinary research on perception. Our aim is to build a theoretical model of the senses that matches the complexity of sensory phenomena, as revealed by recent scientific work. We are particularly interested in multimodal integration and the challenges it poses to traditional models of sensory knowledge. Our goal is to establish new theoretical frameworks for understanding how the brain and the organism process and integrate information from the different senses, and how this results in phenomenally rich experience, thought, and perceptually-guided action.

Network for Sensory Research webpage

Professor Macpherson's webpage

First published: 2 April 2011

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