About Us

About Us

The Glasgow Centre for International Development is a pan-University of Glasgow research development network that supports and showcases our international development activity. We connect over 600 research and teaching staff, plus additional post graduate students and professional staff members. Our goal is to create an interdisciplinary, collaborative and supportive environment for our staff and students working with collaborators in low and middle income countries that will enable us to achieve our aims:

Key Aims

  • To showcase world-leading research and impact in developing countries from across the University of Glasgow
  • To develop and strengthen interdisciplinary research initiatives in international development 
  • To develop the capacity of staff and students at the University of Glasgow and our partners to deliver challenge-led research

Simon Anderson (IIED), Anton Muscatelli, Dan Haydon, Keith Mackiggan (DFID), Priscilla Achapka (WEP), Koen De Koster (VLIR-UOS), Deepa Pullanikkatil (Abundance)