Semester 2

Tuesday 25 January 2022
3-4pm GMT
‘Women Making History: University of Glasgow and the Smithsonian in Conversation’
Online - registration here:

Wednesday 26 January 2022
3-4pm GMT
Research seminar: Dr Deborah Barton (Université de Montréal)
“A Female Voice is Instrumental.” Gender, Propaganda and Coerced Labour on the Eastern Front, 1943-1945
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
Roundtable on gender and global climate change, organised jointly with the Global History cluster - TBC

3-4pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Joanne Bagiato (Oxford Brookes) and Dr Michael Brown (Roehampton)
Pederasty, masculinity and politics: the case of William Bengo' Collyer
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list

8 March 2022
International Women’s Day event with Glasgow Women’s Aid

16 March 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Felicitas Becker, Ghent University
‘Morals and meals: Swahili Muslim reformists' claims on women's roles and what women make of them (contemporary East Africa)
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list

20 April 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Milica Prokic & Maud Bracke
Presentation of early findings of the ‘Inventing Reproductive Rights’ project
Open to all at UofG; no need for registration; on campus, room TBC

21-22 April 2022
Charlotte Robertson (National Library of Scotland)
Presentation on the NLS’s collections in post-1945 women’s and gender history
On-campus event (TBC); open to all PGs at CGH

27 April 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Joanne Bagiato (Oxford Brookes) and Dr Michael Brown (Roehampton)
‘Radical Exposure: Masculinity, sexuality, and politics in the case of William Bengo Collyer (England, 1820s)
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list

25 May 2022
3-5pm GMT
Annual Public Lecture in Global Gender History: Prof. Jocelyn Olcott, Duke University
Sexing Development:  South-based Women’s Networks and the Global Politics of Feminism after 1975
Postgraduate masterclass by the speaker: date TBC
Registration will be via Eventbrite; online or on campus: TBC

June 2022
Knowledge Exchange workshop: ‘Feminist pedagogies’ with College of Arts LTS Forum – details TBC

Semester 1

22 September 2021
all day: Postgraduate Conference ‘Gender and Resilience’, organised by the Hufton Postgraduate Reading Group
online event, open to all at UofG; contact for registration: 

29 September 2021
2-4pm: Annual Welcome Event
on-campus event at the Hunterian Art Gallery (precautions in place); open to all PGs and staff at UofG; contact for registration:

6 October 2021
2-3pm: Archives of Sexuality and Gender (Gale Publishers): Introduction to the collection by the publishers
online event, CGH members only; link will be sent through moodle and mailing list

13 October 2021
all day: Postgraduate Symposium ‘Gender History and the Worlds of Care’ with University of Oxford, Sabanci University and Ghent University
online event, CGH members only; link will be sent through moodle and mailing list

Date TBC
‘Dissertation writing, PhD-funding and jobs inside and outside of academia’: workshop for Gender History Master students (org. Anna McEwan and Eliska Bujokova)
open to all Gender History MSc students; contact for registration:

17 November 2021
2-4pm: Dr Marya Hannun, Georgetown University: ‘Afghanistan's first women's movement and the movement of Muslim women (early 20th Cent.)’
online; open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list

8 December 2021
Double book presentation: Bracke, M A, Bullock, J, Morris, P, Schulz, K, Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary approaches to Text, Place and Agency (Palgrave 2021); and Lynn Abrams, Ade Kearns, Barry Hazley, Valerie Wright, Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period (Routledge, 2020)
on-campus event (TBC); open to all at UofG; register with

First published: 4 October 2021

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