Monday 28th September, 5.30pm

Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, Wolfson Medical School Building, University of Glasgow

Chair:  Dr. Mo Hume, University of Glasgow

Discussants: Alasdair Gordon-Gibson, University of St. Andrews;  Prof. Anthony Lang, University of St. Andrews;  Dr. Kurt Mills, University of Glasgow;  Prof. James Sloan, University of Glasgow

In his new book, International Responses to Mass Atrocities in Africa: Responsibility to Protect, Prosecute and Palliate, Kurt Mills examines a number of recent African mass atrocity situations through a unique framework which includes military intervention to stop atrocities, international criminal justice mechanisms to prosecute those who commit atrocities, and humanitarian action to help those caught in the midst of conflict. The panelists will use the book as a starting point to discuss their perspectives on these important sets of norms and practices designed to respond to major human rights catastrophes.

Please note that this event is available as an audio recording.


First published: 15 July 2015