Wednesday 4th November 2015, 1.00pm (lunch will be served from 12.00)

Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, Wolfson Medical School Building, University of Glasgow

The UK government proposes repealing the Human Rights Act and replacing it with an, as yet undefined, UK Bill of Rights. Ahead of the proposed announcement of Westminster plans in the autumn, the Scottish Parliament are running an Inquiry. They are looking for evidence to show the ways in which such a move could be legally and politically illegitimate as well as morally disastrous for human rights in Scotland, the UK, and internationally. The deadline for submissions to the Holyrood Inquiry is the 18th of November 2015.

The Glasgow Human Rights Network is hosting a half-day rapid response event.  The event will bring together academics, practitioners, and the public, to discuss how we can best respond to this proposed challenge to human rights protection in a robust evidence based way. The membership of the GHRN is uniquely placed to provide expert responses on the diverse range of problems a repeal would bring.

A summary of the themes and outcomes of the day that will be posted on our website, and this will act as the GHRN submission to the Inquiry. This event will act as a catalyst for a series of events designed to respond to Westminster’s announcements on the repeal and their implications as they emerge.

If you would like to attend, please register early on our Eventbrite site – places are limited and we anticipate a lot of interest.

First published: 29 October 2015