The residents of Cove and Kilcreggan are no strangers to stormy weather with the Rosneath Peninsula effectively cut off by flooding during storms in previous years and properties experiencing flooding in 2023. The Community Council's project objectives are to develop and implement a robust approach to community emergency planning. Their particular focus is on empowering households to confidently cope for up to 72 hours during an adverse weather event.

Image shows the bay & sea at Cove & Kilcreggan


The idea for the project came about in the spring of 2023 when members of the community council attended a series of Ready Scotland’s ‘Resilient Community’ webinars. These sessions underscored the necessity of proactive community-level preparedness and crisis response awareness. With no existing community resilience plan, the Community Council developed a comprehensive project plan and identified key areas to address. By engaging with a diverse range of local stakeholders the project aims to establish a resilient network and plan for the area.

Core to the project’s objectives is the empowerment of community members to take proactive measures for preparedness. This has involved encouraging local people and businesses to develop emergency or contingency plans to ensure essential supplies such as first aid kits and power sources are readily available in case of an emergency.  In addition to this, the project seeks to foster community solidarity through the establishment of a ‘Know Your Neighbour’ network.

Image shows contents of a recommended first aid kit laid out at the community council meetingImage shows leaflets laid on table at community council meeting

A recent drop-in community planning event hosted by the Community Council provided an opportunity for locals to actively participate in resilience planning. At the event, attendees could use their local knowledge to review maps, identify vulnerable areas and assess infrastructure needs. There was the opportunity to join a volunteer register and to offer equipment for use during adverse weather events, such as generators or tractors. In addition, local people received guidance on assembling personal first aid kits and access to information including Ready Scotland advice leaflets. The event was the perfect opportunity to collectively gather local knowledge and plan and develop resources for future preparedness.

Image shows community member looking at maps during meetingImage show maps lying on table with notes made by locals beside them

While this project has its roots in Cove & Kilcreggan, it is hoped the implications will extend beyond the boundaries of the region. All projects funded by the National Centre for Resilience deliver project reports, which will include insights which can be used by communities across Scotland who face similar challenges.

For the latest updates from Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council, please find their website here.



First published: 15 February 2024

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