"Following the statement made by the First Minister on 23rd March, the people of Scotland, and the wider UK, find themselves in circumstances we hoped never to see but that are absolutely necessary if we are to overcome the threat posed by COVID-19” said Business Development Manager for the National Centre for Resilience (NCR), Ailsa Mackay.

"First responders are pulling together like never before to support and protect people in urban, rural and remote communities across the country. For now, the focus is very much on getting the job done. But when the situation changes the National Centre for Resilience will be working with academic and front line colleagues to learn as much as we possibly can from this outbreak. ​Recovery of communities and local economies will become a priority for our nation and the NCR will seek to help emergency responders find practical solutions to the challenges this will bring. 

"In the meantime, we will do whatever we can to support those in front line services who are keeping the country running in unprecedented times."

The NCR is hosted by the University of Glasgow, School of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Dumfries Campus. Our office is working remotely and you can contact us at nationalcentreforresilience@glasgow.ac.uk. You can find out more about us on our website; https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/ncr/ and keep updated on twitter @ResilienceScot.

First published: 26 March 2020

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