Afribop organisersFollowing on from the previous success of the BOP (biology of parasitism) courses in Kenya and Malawi, the Centre is pleased to announce a new training course for African PhD students and ECRs to take place in August at KEMRI (Kilifi, Kenya). The WCIP has been working with KEMRI, Pwani University, and the University of Glasgow to create a new programme that focuses on the immunobiology of parasites, pathogens and pathogenesis

This week-long course will be held on August 26-30 and is targeted at PhD students and early postdocs who have a strong interest in the interaction between the immune system and pathogens, and how this underlies the pathogenesis of a wide range of infectious and non-communicable disease. The course consists of intensive learning sessions and symposia on the most recent advances in the immunology and parasitology of malaria, HIV, TB and helminths delivered by some of the leading researchers in the field. Participants will also benefit from grant writing and careers sessions run by scientists who have a strong track record in obtaining research grants.

Priority will be given to PhD students and early postdocs (within 5 years of PhD) from Africa. Limited slots are available for self-sponsored participants from other parts of the world. The course is free, and participants from Africa will receive a bursary from the Initiative to Develop African Research Leaders (IDeaL) to cover flights from within Africa, accommodation and meals. 

Applicants should complete the course application form here:

The deadline is June 1st, 2019

For further information, please contact either Dorcas Mbuvi (KEMRI Wellcome Trust), or Alex Mackay (University of Glasgow).

First published: 1 May 2019