Lakeside Arts Centre,
University Park (South Entrance)
University of Nottingham

Saturday 28th February, 2009
11.30am – 4.30pm

The study day offers the opportunity to take a look at the exhibition under the guidance of experts in Russian culture, history and art. Speakers will lead discussion sessions to explore the historical, literary and artistic context that inspired the poster themes and images.
Tickets are £15 (£12 concessions) including lunch and refreshments.

Bookings can be made via the Nottingham University Lakeside Box Office:
0115 846 777.

Final programme: 28 February 2009
11.30 - 12.00    Registration and coffee, (Foyer adjacent to Café Lautrec)
12.00 - 13.00    Welcome Cynthia Marsh'Russia at war: why did they fight?'
Rodric Braithwaite

13.00 - 13.45    Lunch, Café Lautrec [Foyer]
13.45 - 14.30    'Forging a vision of unity: Soviet artistic freedom and the war'
Christina Lodder

14.30 - 15.15    'Rear windows: the TASS posters 60 years on', Rolf Hellebust

15.15 - 15.30    Coffee break
15.30 - 16.30    Guided visit to exhibition
16.30    Departure

Venue and Travel
The study day will be held in the Lakeside Arts Centre, within the University Park Campus.
An extract of the University's Campus map (picture below) indicates where the Lakeside Arts Centre is located.
University Park Campus, University of Nottingham.
Source: NU Student's Union

Travel information detailing how to get to the University of Nottingham are available on the University's website.
Lakeside Arts Centre on Multi-Map.

First published: 12 January 2012