CRCEES Ukrainian Studies Networking Event
University of Nottingham

CRCEES invites colleagues with an academic interest in Ukrainian Studies to a one-day networking event to be held at the University of Nottingham on Wednesday 4th March 2009.

Owing to the fact that there are several people wishing to attend the meeting but are unable to make 4th March we have reluctantly decided to postpone the event. Apologies for the inconvenience.

We are considering holding a meeting to coincide with CRCEES' Research Forum in Glasgow on 14-15th May 2009. It would be helpful to guage interest in those planning to attend the forum. Please notify the event organisers of your intention to participate (see details below).

Financial support is available for participants to attend the CRCEES event. Please notify the event organisers of your intention to participate, including a brief indication of your research interest, by 12 January 2009

The purpose of the event is:
1.    to identify members of the consortium, both staff and research postgraduates, with research and teaching interests in the field of Ukrainian Studies,
2.    to examine the potential for research collaboration and cross-institutional postgraduate teaching and supervision,
3.    to explore potential panels at the CRCEES Third Annual Research Forum 14-15 May 2009, and,
4.    to explore the contribution that Ukrainian Studies could play in the future evolution of the consortium.

The programme will begin at 11am and finish by late afternoon and will provide an opportunity for participants to outline their academic activities relating to Ukrainian Studies and to explore future collaboration.

For more information please contact the event organisers:
•    Adam Swain (, and
•    Vlad Mykhnenko (

Please also send a copy of your research interests to the CRCEES Administrator:
Ann Mulholland (

First published: 12 January 2012