BEAR Network Graduate Mobility Grants for PhD students

Deadline: 30 September 2019

The BEAR Network Graduate Mobility Grants encourage graduate students to spend 1-2 weeks at one of the BEAR partner universities to work with academic staff who specialise in the field of the students’ research. The grants are available to full-time thesis students enrolled in a graduate degree program at a BEAR partner university. A limited number of grants are available each year on a competitive basis.


The mobility grant is meant to contribute towards the completion of the thesis by allowing students to directly exchange with and learn from experts in the field. Students will be selected on the basis of their advancement, their need for additional expertise in methods or subject, and their justification for the choice of the partner university.


The student must:
• Be enrolled in a graduate degree program at one of the BEAR partner universities.
• Be approved by a BEAR member to take part in this mobility opportunity.
• Priority goes to PhD students but Master students are welcome to apply.
• Conference travel is NOT eligible.


Travel and accommodation will be sponsored by the Network, while the host universities will provide office space and access to academic facilities.

Deadline and time-frame:

The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 September 2019. The study abroad should take place before 15 July 2020.

First published: 18 September 2019