CRCEES Wednesday Seminar

Wednesday, September 25th  

5.15pm-7pm, Room 118, Hetherington bld., Bute Gardens


Title: Russian influence on the political processes outside its borders: The Case of Georgia

Speaker: Dr Sergi Kapanadze, Vice-speaker of the Parliament of Georgia and Professor at Ilia State University and the Caucasus University, Tbilisi


Dr Sergi Kapanadze has been the Vice-speaker of the Parliament of Georgia since 2016. He is from the European Georgia opposition party. He is also a Professor of Peace Studies, International Relations and European Integration at Ilia State University (Tbilisi) and a Jean Monnet Professor at the Caucasus University (Tbilisi). Before joining politics, he served as the Director of the think tank - Georgia’s Reforms Associates (Tbilisi). In 2015-2016, he was a member of the OSCE Panel of Eminent Persons on European security. Dr Kapanadze has previously held the post of the Deputy Foreign Minister (2011-2012) and other senior posts at the Foreign Service of Georgia, during which he led Georgian delegations in various negotiations with Russia, the European Union and the United States. He holds a PhD in International Relations from Tbilisi State University (2011) and MA in International Relations and European Studies from the Central European University (2003, Budapest, Hungary). He was awarded a Presidential Order of Excellence in 2011 and holds the diplomatic rank of Envoy Plenipotentiary.

First published: 15 September 2019