Roundtable discussion on the Legacy of the 1970 Equal Pay Act

Friday 6 November 2020, 4-5.30pm

The Equal Pay Act of 1970 was the culmination of decades of campaigning for pay inequalities between women and men to be addressed at an institutional level. During the Second Reading of the Equal Pay Bill on the 9th February 1970, Barbara Castle herself acknowledged the problems of defining equal pay for equal value, but she argued the bill offered a practical solution to the problem of equal pay, ‘that brings equal pay out of the debating room and into recognisable situations in factories, offices and shops, and into the black and white of pay agreements.’

Join us for a roundtable discussion considering the historical context of the Act and examining its legacy for Equal Pay campaigns over the past fifty years, including the successful 2019 campaign for Glasgow City Council workers. Our panellists are:

  • Prof Nicole Busby, Professor in Human Rights, Equality and Justice, University of Glasgow
  • Jennifer McCarey, Regional Organiser, Unison Scotland
  • Dr Jonathan Moss, Lecturer in Politics, University of Sussex

Hosted by University of Glasgow’s Centre for Gender History and Women’s History Scotland.

First published: 19 October 2020

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