Semester 2

From 3pm to 4.00pm

Wednesday 27 January 2021
Niamh Coffey, University of Strathclyde
“‘We advertised ourselves as the Irish Ladies Distress Committee’: Irish republican women in Britain, 1919-1923"

Thursday 4 February 2021
Dr Rachel Hope Cleves, University of Victoria
Book talk: Unspeakable: A Life Beyond Sexual Morality (University of Chicago Press, 2020)

W/C Monday 22 February 2021
Speaker to be confirmed
Paper Title: TBC

Wednesday 24 March 2021
Sam Dobbie, University of Glasgow
“The Importance of Power Couples in the French Revolution in relation to Female Agency: The Case of Madame Roland”

Wednesday 28 April 2021
Ally Williamson, University of Edinburgh
“Interviewing Scottish lesbians during COVID-19"

Wednesday 19 May 2021
Amrita DasGupta, SOAS University of London
“Life of Sundarbans’ Female Islanders: Past and Present”

For more information or the Zoom link, please email:

All welcome!

Semester 1

From 3pm to 4.00pm

Wednesday 14 October 2020
Welcome social 
An opportunity to get to know one another better

Wednesday 28 October 2020
Wiktoria Muryn, University of Glasgow
‘Holy (Mis)conceptions: Late Medieval Depictions of In Utero Infants in Visitation Scenes and Their Female Monastic Audience’

Wednesday 18 November 2020
Kristin Hay, University of Strathclyde
'What Kind of Woman Was I?" Shame and Stigma in Narratives of Contraception Use in 'Post-Pill' Scotland, c.1968-1975'

Wednesday 9 December 2020
Danielle Schwertner, University of Glasgow 
‘Gender and Identity in the Visual Satires of the Glasgow Looking Glass, 1825-1826’

Wednesday 16 December 2020
Christmas social: join us for a virtual catch up over a cup of something cheering to mark the end of the semester

For more information or the Zoom link, please email:

All welcome!

First published: 1 October 2020

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