DAY 1 – 9 June

8.45-9.15: Registration and Welcome

9.15-10.45: PANEL 1

Contraception and family planning services (mixed remote/campus panel)

Aprajita Sarcar, Centre de Sciences Humaines New Delhi : ‘The mythical family within a triangle: How a family planning campaign created South Asian mass communication channels as we know them today’

Cécile Thomé, National Institute for Demographic Studies France & EHESS: ‘The changing role of sexuality in the emergence and evolution of reproductive rights in France (1960s-2010s)’

Ivana Dobrivojevic Tomic, Institute of Contemporary History Belgrade: ‘Reproductive Behaviour and Family Planning in Socialist Yugoslavia (1945 – 1991)’

Samantha Kohl Grey, University of Queensland: ‘Potent Males and Patent Females: Sterility investigations, male infertility, and assistive reproductive technology in Australia’

11.00-12.15: PANEL 2

Reproductive rights at the UN and the role of NGOs (mixed remote/campus panel)

Nicole Bourbonnais, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva: ’Feminists in the System: Reproductive Rights Activism from the Inside Out’

Chiara Bonfiglioli, University College Cork: ‘”Updating Malthus’ population theory is out of the question today”: Nevenka Petrić, IPPF-Europe, and the Yugoslav Council for Family Planning’

Ayodele Mathew Oluwaseun, University of Ibadan & University of Leipzig: ‘Reassessing Non-governmental Organisations Advocacy for Reproductive Health and Rights in Southwestern Nigeria, 1980 – 2000’

12.30-1.00: Graphic novel presentation by project artist Catherine MacRobbie

1.00-2.00: LUNCH

2.00-3.30: PANEL 3

Feminism and women’s health movements (mixed remote/campus panel)

Isabel Heinemann, Münster University: ‘Women’s Reproductive Rights across the Iron Curtain? Health Feminism in the two German States, 1970s-90s’

Anna Vittinghoff, University of Edinburgh: ‘Reproductive politics in post-war Japan: How feminists and disability activists challenged eugenics and changed the discourse on reproduction, 1970s-90s’

Whitney Wood, Vancouver Island University: ‘Settler-Colonialism and Choice in Childbirth, 1970-90’

Hannah Yoken, University of Glasgow: ‘The Transnational Circulation of Feminist Reproductive Knowledge among Grassroots Activists: The Nordic New Women’s Movements of the 1970s–80s’

3.45-5.00: PANEL 4

Reproductive justice in comparative-historical perspective (mixed remote/campus panel)

Christabelle Sethna, University of Ottawa: ‘Romancing the Foetus: Foetal Rights and Reproductive Rights in Canada, 1967-1969’

Yuliya Hilevych, University of Groningen: ‘Infertility awareness in post-war Britain and Ukraine’

Cara Delay, College of Charleston: ‘”A Monster in God’s Eyes”: Narratives of contraception and abortion in Ireland, 1980-2018’

7.00: Dinner for network members

DAY 2 – 10 June

9.00-10.30: PANEL 5

The power in our hands: Abortion practices and knowledge in Cold War Europe (remote panel)

Azzura Tafuro Université Libre de Bruxelles: ‘With Karman, against Karman: The Italian trip of Harvey Karman between science and political contestation’

Agata Ignacuik, University of Granada, ‘Counter-technologies of care: Vacuum aspiration in Poland (1960s-80s)’

Bibia Pavard, Paris Panthéon-Assas, ‘The “Karman method” between China and California: realities and imaginaries of the vacuum abortion method in 1970s France’

Maria Mundi, University of Granada, ‘The science of the “Karman method” in Spain’

10.45-12: KEYNOTE TALK: Catherine Burns, University of Witwatersrand, ‘ “Without fear, without pain":  Contesting control over contraception, pregnancy and birth from South Africa to the world’

12.00-1.00: Lunch

1.00-2.30: PANEL 6

Medical practitioners, science and technology (mixed remote/campus panel)

Atina Krajewska, University of Birmingham: ‘Reproductive Rights in Transitional Societies: The Role of the Medical Profession in Developing Abortion Law in Socialist Poland’

Marta Liliana Espinosa, Duke University: ‘Uncovering the history of contraceptive trials and the creation of the birth control pill in Mexico, 1950s-60s’

Kalindy Bolivar, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Ecuador: ‘Discourses and biomedical practices about maternity and childbirth in the city of Quito, 1950-1973’

Amanuel Isak Tewolde, University of Johannesburg, ‘Abortion and women’s rights in Eritrea: state and medical responses, 1970s to the present’

2.45-4.15: PANEL 7

Religion, activism and reproductive rights (mixed remote/campus panel)

Natalia Pomian, University of Warsaw: ‘“It has this ethical approach and it’s consistent with the Church teachings”: Catholicism and infertility treatment in Poland’

Roseanna Webster, European University Institute: ‘From the Vatican to London: Reproductive Justice in Spain from the 1950s to 1980s’

Natalie Gasparowicz, Duke University: ‘“Paternidad Responsable” in Mexico and Latin America: Catholics, Birth Control, and Pope John Paul II’

Anna Sidorevich, Sciences Po Paris: ‘“Inhumane torture” and “barbaric operation”: abortion in Leningrad feminists’ samizdat and tamizdat publications (1979-1982)’

4.30-6.00: Closing discussion and reception for all attendants

First published: 11 April 2022

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