Semester 1

Wednesday 28 September 2022
Welcome event in the Hunterian Gallery
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary

Wednesday 12 October 2022
Workshop for prospective PhD applicants in gender history
Open to all at UofG
Remote: zoomlink will be posted on Moodle

Wednesday 26 October 2022
Research seminar: Alexandra Shepard, University of Glasgow, “Working mothers” in eighteenth- century London
On campus: Boyd Orr room 709AB
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary

Wednesday 9 November 2022
Research seminar: Jane Freeland, Queen Mary university of London, Transformations and Domestic Violence Activism in Divided Berlin (1968-2002)
On campus: McKechnie room, 10 University Gardens
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary

Wednesday 7 December 2022
Rosi Carr, University of Edinburgh, Scottish Masculinities and Colonial Violence: Governors John Hunter and Lachlan Macquarie in Eora Country, 1788-1820
On campus: room 203, 10 University Gardens
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary

Any questions, please email 

First published: 9 September 2022

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